Terms of Donation

Northeast Canine Standard Terms of Donation

Northeast Canine Standard Terms of Donation
By making a donation to Northeast Canine, donors acknowledge and agree to these terms.

1. Acknowledgment of Donations:
Northeast Canine (NEC) gratefully acknowledges all donations received from our generous supporters. Each contribution plays a vital role in advancing our mission to provide exceptional care and training for our Great Danes.

2. Nature of Donations: All donations made to NEC are considered charitable contributions and are non-refundable. Donors acknowledge that their contributions are given voluntarily as unrestricted gifts to support NEC's mission and operations, and no goods, services, or privileges are expected in return, except as explicitly noted in specific fundraising campaigns.

3. No Guarantee of Service Dog Provision: Donors understand that their contributions do not guarantee the provision of a service dog. The allocation of service dogs is a separate process governed by NEC's assessment protocols, which prioritize the compatibility between the dog and the recipient, the dog's well-being, and the specific needs of each individual case.

4. Use of Donations: Donations received by NEC will be utilized at the discretion of the organization to support its various needs, including but not limited to veterinary care, training, and general welfare of the dogs. While NEC respects donor preferences, the organization retains full control over the allocation of all donated funds to ensure they are used most effectively to fulfill its mission.

5. Commitment to Animal Welfare: NEC's primary commitment is to the health and well-being of our Great Danes. Priority is given to veterinary care, nutrition, training, and other essential needs of our dogs. We appreciate our donors' understanding and support in helping us maintain the highest standard of care for these incredible animals.

6. Tax Deductions: Donations made to NEC may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donors are advised to consult with their tax advisors for guidance regarding tax deductions.

7. Third-Party Processing Fees: Northeast Canine (NEC) utilizes third-party services for processing donations. Please be aware that NEC is not responsible for any fees or charges that may be imposed by these third-party services. Donors are advised that such fees may be applied by these services over which NEC has no control, and these fees may not be reflected in the donation amount received by NEC.

8. Changes to Terms: NEC reserves the right to modify these terms as necessary.